Floral Water - 2024 Solar Eclipse (4 fl oz Spray Bottle)


Floral Water created on 4/8/24 during the Solar Eclipse.

Handcrafted with intention, our Eclipse-Charged Florida Water is a conduit of cosmic power, capturing the raw energy of the sun and the transformative power of the eclipse. Embrace the celestial power and elevate your spiritual journey with our Eclipse-Charged Florida Water.

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Eclipse-Charged Floral Water – 4 fl oz Spray Bottle – Free Shipping in USA

Immerse yourself in the transformative energies of the solar eclipse with our specially crafted Florida Water. Each 4 fl oz bottle contains a unique blend of high-quality essential oils, distilled water, and high-proof vodka, meticulously combined to ensure a potent spiritual essence. This limited-edition concoction is not just a fragrance; it's a powerful tool, charged with the dynamic energies of the solar flares and the celestial portal of the April 2024 solar eclipse.

Our Florida Water is more than just a scent; it's a versatile spiritual ally. Use it for spiritual cleansing to wash away negative energies and purify your aura. Incorporate it into spiritual baths for a deeply cleansing experience that rejuvenates your soul and aligns your spirit. As a room spray, it transforms your living space, infusing it with positive vibrations and creating a sanctuary of peace and spirituality. It's also perfect for cleansing and consecrating your spiritual tools, imbuing them with the potent energy of the eclipse.

Handcrafted with intention, our Eclipse-Charged Florida Water is a conduit of cosmic power, capturing the raw energy of the sun and the transformative potential of the eclipse. It's not just a product; it's a ritualistic aid that enhances your spiritual practices, whether you're seeking cleansing, protection, or simply a touch of the divine in your daily life. Order now and experience the magic of the cosmos, delivered directly to your doorstep with free shipping across the USA.


Floral Water, also known as Florida Water is a fragrant concoction of alcohol and essential oils that has a rich history dating back to the 19th century. Originally created in the United States in 1808 by perfumer Robert I. Murray, it was named after the fabled Fountain of Youth, which was supposedly located in Florida. The blend traditionally includes citrus and floral notes, with lemon, orange, lavender, and clove being predominant. Florida Water quickly gained popularity as a cologne and tonic, lauded for its refreshing scent and supposed health benefits. It was used for a variety of purposes, including as a perfume, aftershave, and even as an addition to bath water.

Beyond its conventional uses, Florida Water has also been embraced in various spiritual and magical practices, particularly within Afro-Caribbean religions such as Santería and Hoodoo. Practitioners have used it for cleansing rituals, protection, and to attract good fortune. The aromatic waters are believed to clear negative energy, calm the spirit, and enhance the connection to the spiritual realm. In these traditions, Florida Water is often used in offerings, purification baths, and for anointing sacred objects. Its versatility and pleasant aroma have made it a staple in both mundane and mystical settings, symbolizing purification, renewal, and the flow of life's energies.